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CMIC Resources

C-PRESS Public Relations Magazine from CMIC – Vol.20

C-PRESS is a Public Relations Magazine from CMIC Group. It is an informational magazine for our customers and all other stakeholders to enhance understanding and interests of CMIC’s values and strategies. The “C” stands for CMIC and Communication. In C-PRESS, you can read about our corporate activities and articles related to healthcare topics.


  • CEO Interview: Kazuo Nakamura & Yasumasa Yamamoto (U.S venture capitalist)
    The Key to Strength is in Accepting Differences and Continuing to Change
  • Our Creative Service at CMIC ~How CMIC Supports Vaccinations~
    Helping enhance local health managing systems by building vaccination systems
  • CMIC Group’s Initiatives to Diversity & Inclusion
    Is it harassment? How to avoid mismatches in perspective
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