
In the CMIC Group, we strive through the Company Rules, to create corporate culture of strict observance and penetrate the compliance consciousness, based on CMIC Group Code of Conduct. We carry out the following actions to let the Executives and Employees of the CMIC Group (hereinafter referred to as “all members of the Group”) understand this way of thinking well and always practice it in the duties of each person.

Actions for Compliance

Training: In the CMIC Group, we carry out “business ethics and compliance training” for all members of the Group once a year. The result of the training is going to be our basis of mindset, and is hope to help lead the compliance management across CMIC Group.

Compliance Handbook: As a part of the actions for the reinforcement of consciousness to compliance, “Compliance Handbook” is distributed to all members of the Group. This handbook contains many examples that help all members of the Group follow laws and the Company Rules and grasp a concrete standard to act in conformity with social common sense and judge their own action and ethics by themselves. Therefore, we can understand compliance better and try to be thorough and penetrate more.

Established Whistleblowing Contact Point: For the purpose of receiving reports and consultations widely from executives and employees of the CMIC Group for various issues related to compliance, “CMIC Group Whistleblowing Contact Point” has been established. The channels are set up internally and externally, and we are making efforts to prevent any fraud or misconduct, and to detect it at an early stage.

Intranet: To have all executives and employees of the CMIC Group promote better compliance, documents and reference information and Q&A related to the compliance are available on intranet so that they can access the latest information at any time.

CMIC Group Code of Conduct
The purpose of this CMIC Group Code of Conduct is to stipulate the basic principles of action to be observed by all members of the Group so that CMIC Group operates its business complying with laws and regulations and acting in accordance with social ethics.

CMIC Group Code of Conduct [PDF Link]