March 2, 2021

CMIC Holdings announces the following changes, effective from April 1, 2021.

1. Organizational Changes

In order to respond to business environment changes in more agile way, CMIC will enhance the corporate hub functions led by CxO, the ultimate responsibility of each group-wide organization. We will also transfer the back-office operations to CMIC Solutions Co., Ltd. to maximize the efficiency of CMIC Group’s back-office operations. Following these changes, CMIC Holdings, as a holding company, will be responsible for corporate hub, group governance, and business incubation activities to strengthen the Group’s business foundation.

2. Repeal of the Executive Officer System

CMIC Holdings will eliminate the current executive officer positions to clarity the roles and responsibilities of CxO as the ultimate accountability, and speed up the decision-making process for powerful and effective corporate hub functions.

3. Senior Management Members

Name Title
Kazuo Nakamura Representative Director
Chairman and CEO
Keiko Oishi Representative Director
President and COO , CHO
Toru Fujieda Corporate Director
Division Director of Clinical CRO Business
Wataru Mochizuki Corporate Director
Makoto Matsukawa Corporate Director
CVO(Chief Value Officer),
Division Director of CDMO Business
Yoichi Kuwajima Corporate Director
Vice Chairman
Takeshi Hamaura Corporate Director
Deputy Division Director of CDMO Business
Hidetoshi Takeda Vice President
Teruo Saito CLCO
(Chief Legal & Compliance Officer)
Hisao Matsubara Corporate Hub PMO
(Project Management Officer)
Division Director of CSO Business
Daisuke Nakata CIO(Chief Information Officer)
Takashi Sano Academy Head
Philippe Auvaro Division Director of IPM Business
Akihisa Mitake Division Director of Healthcare Business
Hiroshi Kosaku Division Director of Non Clinical CRO Business
Yoshiyuki Hano Division Director of CSOL(CMIC SOLUTIONS) Business


PDF Notice Regarding the Change of Executive Management