October 24, 2018
CMIC Co., Ltd.
CMIC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.(Head Office: Tokyo, Minato-ku, Representative Director & CEO Kazuo Nakamura, hereafter “CMIC”)today, made the partnership agreement with Kofu city (Mayor: Yuichi Higuchi) to solve the issue in the health care field in Kofu city.
Along with the agreement, CMIC and Kofu city founded the health care consortium “Kofu IKIGAI consortium”. With the consortium, we will gather companies that have excellent technologies and services, and we will create innovative products and services.
Japanese society has been aging as no other countries have. There are assumptions that the medical and nursing fees will have grown by 2-3 trillion yen every year. Though Japan is one of the countries with the most longevity, Japan has a paradox as facing the critical situation of bankruptcy of medical finances and national health insurance system. It is an urgent task to implement a sustainable health and longevity society.
In that situation, the movement with not only the view point of “medical system” that is focusing on prolonging life expectancy, but with the view point of “Healthcare system” that is focusing on quality of life and supporting health and independent life spreads. They used to consider them as individual theories; however, it is necessary to consider them seamlessly.
Kofu city already set “Kenkoutoshi-Kofu-Kihonkousou”, and implement health promotion measures. With newly founded “Kofu IKIGAI consortium”, we expect a lot of companies from many other fields to join. We will combine the technologies and ideas they have and will apply them to the measures which can prolong a healthy life expectancy.
With the exchange of human resources and technologies, we can combine excellent seeds of technologies and ideas, and can create sophisticated innovative solutions.
We will position Kofu city as the field of proof and will contribute to healthcare promotion. In addition, we will gather people outside of Kofu city and will contribute to the industry development.
We expect companies, research institution, medical institution, and people in Kofu city to join the consortium and collaborate to create new values as industry- academia- government- people organization.
Partnership Agreement
The date of the agreement:October 24, 2018
Overview of consortium
Kofu IKIGAIconsortium
【Date of foundation】
October 24, 2018
【Participating organizations】
9 organization(as of October 19, 2018, listed in random order)
●Panasonic Smart Factory Solutions Co., Ltd.
●JSR Corporation
●McCANN Health
●Medical Data Vision Co.,Ltd.
●The Yamanashi Chuo Bank, Ltd.
●Ventforet Yamanashi Sports Club Inc.
●Shutoken Kofukai
●CMIC Holdings Co., Ltd.
【Major activities】
We will work as below to improve the health situation of the people in Kofu and to solve the issue with local advantages.
●Applying various technologies for prolonging a healthy life expectancy
●Proposing innovative ideas and solutions by exchanging technologies and human resources
●Contributing to the industry in Kofu city by gathering companies and people from all over the world and Japan
●Creating new value by industry-academia-government-people collaboration
●Executing and inducing pilot businesses in co-operation with local residents
●Utilizing and Building a bid data platform to create new solutions
CMIC Group started business in 1992 as the first CRO in Japan, and the company today provides comprehensive support services for the development, manufacturing, sales, and marketing of pharmaceutical products. Also, the company operates to respond to diversifying needs by managing the Healthcare Business sector and developing and selling diagnostic pharmaceuticals and orphan drugs. CMIC Group has developed a unique business model called Pharmaceutical Value Creator (PVC) based on its abundant accumulated experience and knowledge as a CRO pioneer. CMIC utilizes the PVC to create new value in the healthcare field.
For more information, visit CMIC Group’s website:https://www.cmicgroup.com/e/
CMIC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. Corporate Communications Division, PR Group
TEL:03-6779-8200 / e-mail: pr@cmic.co.jp