February 21, 2019

CMIC Group was recognized for its diverse efforts in health management for its employees and was certified as an “Excellent Health Management Corporation-White 500” sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council. CMIC has been certified for two consecutive years since 2018.

The White 500 certification system is a system that recognizes corporations that are practicing good health management in cooperation with health insurance societies and other health insurers. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry promotes initiatives for health management by helping companies maintain and improve employee health, thereby improving employee vitality and productivity, revitalizing the organization, improving business performance, and increasing organizational value.

CMIC Group aims to “bring innovation to healthcare so that all people, regardless of age, gender or race, can live their one and only lives according to their own will (CMIC’s CREED)”.

To this end, we believe that being healthy and creating a work environment is the foundation for each and every employee can work enthusiastically.

We have established the “CMIC Group Health Declaration” and are actively working to promote collaborative health with a focus on disease prevention, prevention of severe illness, and improvement of health awareness.

Specifically, we are implementing the following priority measures such as “health management”, “disease prevention (prevention of severe illness)”, and “improvement of health literacy” as “health challenges”.


○ Health management
We provide regular health checkups, special health guidance, and stress checkups.

○ Disease prevention (prevention of severe disease)
We are implementing measures that utilize our accumulated knowledge and experience, such as early diagnosis of renal diseases using L-FABP, a biomarker for renal diseases developed in-house, and cervical cancer risk testing using HPV (Human Papilloma Virus/ human papillomavirus) measurements.

○ Improvement of health literacy (ability to search, understand, and utilize health and medical information)
We provide employees with opportunities to exercise, such as walking, yoga, and breathing, by organizing seminars to raise their health awareness, as well as periodically disseminating various information, including the establishment of a group-wide promotion system.

Until now, the CMIC Group has been promoting “Reform of Working Style” and “Diversity,” but we will continue to promote the creation of workplaces where diverse employees can demonstrate their abilities so that they can recognize the “Happiness” while aiming to realize “Wellbeing” in their daily lives.

CMIC Declaration of Health Promotion and Health Policy

  • CMIC Group Declaration on Health Promotion

– CMIC Group’s ideal state is employee wellbeing and healthy workplace-
CMIC Group declares to follow the spirit of CMIC’s CREED, support our employees and their families to live fulfilling lives, create a rewarding workplace, and develop a mechanism to prioritize health promotion.


  • CMIC Group Health Policy
    • CMIC Group proactively supports our employees and their families’ self-reliance to health promotion by utilizing CMIC Group’s extensive know-how.
    • CMIC Group promotes the creation of workplace where diverse employees can thrive and shine in conjunction with “Workstyle Reform” and “Diversity Promotion” to promote the health of our employees and families, achieve work-life balance, and improve productivity in the workplace.