(Under the provision of its Articles of Incorporation in accordance with Article 459, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act of Japan)
Tokyo, November 8, 2022 – CMIC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.(TSE Prime :2309) today announced that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held today, a resolution was adopted to acquire its own shares under Article 459, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act of Japan.
1.Reason for the acquisition of own shares
To enhance capital efficiency and execute flexible capital policy according to changes in the business environment.
2.Details of acquisition
(1)Class of shares to be acquired: Common stock of CMIC HOLDINGS
(2)Total number of shares to be acquired: Up to 730,000 shares
(The percentage compared to the total number of shares outstanding: 4.12% (excluding treasury stock))
(3)Aggregate amount of acquisition cost: Up to 1.2 billion yen
(4)Period of acquisition: From November 9, 2022 to September 29, 2023
(5)Method of acquisition: Purchase on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
The status of treasury stock as of November 8, 2022:
Total Number of shares outstanding (excluding treasury stock): 17,680,652 shares
Number of treasury stock: 1,242,917 shares
* The number of treasury stock includes the 166,000 shares of J-ESOP Trust Account.